المرحلة: Revenue Generating
تمويل: .NA
المؤسسون: Barakat Abbass/ Industrial Studies 1992/General Manager
الدعم المطلوب: Access to new markets; marketing and distribution strategy; seeking investment to increase production
معلومات الإتصال: Barakat Abbass,
Tel: 01111398690;
Email: barakat1000000@gmail.com

القيمة المقترحة: Increase the production of pickles by establishing 4 more factories across South Upper Egypt within the next 5 years
- Increase the variety of value added pickles and introduce gourmet organic products
- Expand into new markets to include supermarket chains in urban centers in South Upper Egypt and gourmet supermarkets in the Greater Cairo Area
- Develop and manage a farm that is owned by the company to mitigate the price volatilities of the crops used and to enhance the product quality (will potentially introduce organic farming)
الوصف: Hekayah produces a variety of branded and white label pickles and distributes 5 different sizes, with a variety of 7 types of pickles to small retailers, end customers as well as offers re-fill services and customized quantities to restaurants.