Project: MOZO, DANDARA, QENA Stage: Pilot Production and Initial Sales Funding: The team is looking for an investor to partner with Investment by Team: Yes Founders: Ali Abdallah/ Bachelor of Arts in Social Development 2016/ Technology Officer - Samir Ramadan/Bachelor of Commerce 1990/Accountant - Ahmed Abdelkareem/ Islamic Studies Department of Arabic Language 2012 / Marketing - Hussein Abdo/ Diploma in Commerce 2003/ Manufacturing Technician - Sahar Ahmed/ Bachelor of Arts in Social Development 2015/ PR Required Support: field visits to potato chips factories; marketing and distributing the product in Upper Egypt; access to validated drying/frying equipment suppliers Contacts: Ali Abdallah, Tel: 01025924137; Email: Ahmed Moustafa Abdelkareem, Tel: 01150706788 Email: |